Tuesday, October 17, 2006

Online Poetry Attracts Attention

Somebody linked to my blog, and very quickly at that; in fact, almost 12 hours before the post itself. Imagine my chagrin, then, when I found out that that somebody was the Angelina Jolie page for a website that collects all blog postings on a celebrities list, then links to them. It appears that my Pulitzer Prize entry caught the attention of the bot that does this for them.

This is, of course, the first time this has happened to this blog, and no other sites seem to be emulating the celebrity website. But it makes me wonder: If I wrote at the bottom of each post all the names on the list of celebrities at that website, wouldn't my blog attract a lot of eyeballs, and maybe some of them just might turn out to be interested in, say, the North Korean nuclear test?

So, as a test, I'm going to write down the following names, and see what happens: Charlize Theron, Angelina Jolie, Anna Kournikova, and Jessica Alba. In case you're wondering why they are all women, it's because the list doesn't have any men on it. Honest. Sophia Johannsen and Drew Barrymore are also not on the list, in case you wanted to know. Pamela Anderson is, but, hey, you gotta draw the line somewhere, and besides, this is a test. (Would that there was a way to write invisible text… hmmm.)


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