Monday, October 09, 2006

Marginalia Americana 2

First it's the Clintons with Bill's (what else?) Clinton Global Initiative and the Hillary fundraiser, now it's Al Gore and his Current TV. That Rupert Murdoch has been working the Democratic side of the spectrum recently may not come as surprise to people who have observed him over the years. Fox TV, both news and non-, show that Mr. Murdoch never shies away from anything, anywhere, or anybody that's good for business. He must be hoping that the less temperamental Mr. Gore will not mess things up like Mr. Clinton did on, of all places, Fox News.

The Mark Foley text messaging scandal confirms several things:
1) A US congressman was drinking on the job. Either that, or alcoholic rehab is the hideout of choice for public figures when you have absolutely nothing to say, including "no comment", to an expectant media.
2) Emails are no longer the only way the Internet can come back to bite you. Watch out, IM users.
3) You can be an openly gay Republican congressman, as long as you stay in the closet. Hey, that's nothing to laugh at. Name one gay/lesbian Diet member if you disagree.

"Guns don't kill people; people kill people." So why not let everyone have nuclear weapons? Mustard gas? Anthrax? Botox?

You know what I'm talking about, and no Marginalia Americana would be complete without it. But I just can't bring myself to write about it. So that's it for today.


Blogger OzzyGimenez said...

We don´t need weapons for defend our countries.Nobody need kill.Nice blog Mr Okumura and greetings from Spain:-)

Monday, October 09, 2006 12:17:00 PM  
Blogger Jun Okumura said...

Mr. Gimenez:
Thank you for reading my blog. Unfortunately, I must disappoint you. In Marginalia Americana 2, I am not referring to the war on terror that has mutated into an aimless slog in Iraq accompanied by lesser errors and failures in other locales. That would be a subject for my other blog. It is geographically too far-reaching to be labeled Americana. Instead, I refer to the horrifying slaughter in the Amish schoolhouse, and the remarkable response from the Amish community.

For the record, I supported the war in Iraq, and hope that something resembling peace and prosperity can yet be achieved there. I also believe that the imperfections in the global society requires each nation to defend itself in ways that it sees fit. In Japan's case, that means supporting a well-equipped defense capacity of able and willing citizens, among other things.

Sorry, Ozzy, that we the older generation have (yet again) failed to live up to the ideals of youth. Please keep trying.

Jun Okumura

Monday, October 09, 2006 1:16:00 PM  

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