Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Depends on What the Meaning of the Phrase “Stay the Course" Is

After a short-lived attempt to redefine "stay the course", Tony Snow has abandoned the phrase altogether. It is never a good sign in politics when you are forced to parse words and phrases. (Remember Clinton and the infamous "is".)

At least the phrase had a better run than "mission accomplished". And the Republicans are showing a measure of life, even as everyone, including the Bush administration, seems to be accepting the fact that Jim Baker will once again come to the rescue after the mid-term elections to help them, change course. Imagine the disarray (yet again) among the Democrats and the despair over their long-term prospects if they fail to at least recapture the House.

Did the secular belligerence of neo-conservatives and the apocalyptic yearnings of pre-millenarians converge with the post-millenarian convictions of George Bush to create the evanescent certitude that carried the Bush administration to this juncture?

But do I know that Bush is a post-millenarian? Do I even know what a post-millenarian is?

I'd like to tell you that the thought came to me in a blinding flash of light, which would put me somewhere between The Prophet and the crazy lady on the New York subway. But I was drinking heavily last night, which I think puts me much closer to the crazy lady's end of the spectrum. Or even off the scale altogether.

Anyway, what do you think?


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