Saturday, September 30, 2006

Marginalia Americana

(What the Bush Administration Did for Americans)

In a recent online conversation among a few friends, one of us wondered if the Bush administration had come up with any successes from a policy (not political) point of view. The Bush tax cuts did not seem so useful to us, since none of us were particularly well off. Prescription drug coverage by Medicare didn’t cut it either; we were too young for that. In fact, this question was difficult to answer to the point of being rhetorical. One of us came up with homeland security, specifically airport security, but the one who posed the question told us that taking measures that any administration would have done in light of the situation did not deserve mention as policy.

But there has been no attack on the homeland, and the economy has held up. So, perhaps the Bush administration should be credited for:
1) taking its eyes off Afghanistan and going into Iraq so that militant Islam would concentrate its resources on the Middle East and its vicinity; and
2) appointing two powerless Treasury Secretaries so that Greenspan would not be distracted.

Unfair? Perhaps. But politicians are like shamans; they take credit for the rain, and get blamed for droughts. There's still too much stacked against the Democrats to give them even odds or better to take the House in November, but, Republicans, watch out in 2008. Iraq looks dangerously unstable and the US economy is showing signs of cooling.

(Anderson Cooper Uses Cable TV as an Education Tool)

CNN's Anderson Cooper 360°scored something of a coup when Cooper copped a 20-minute interview with Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, and aired substantial portions of it on the show on the Sept. 22. Unfortunately, he seemed to be stuck on the question of whether Ahmadinejad believed the Holocaust did not happen, and failed to crack Ahmadinejad's armor of evasions and counterquestions. He had to be reminded in a different segment by Wolf Blitzer that Ahmadinejad never talked about the Holocaust in his UN speech. He also seemed obsessed with Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez's bizzare, if harmless, UN speech calling President Bush the Devil and badgered Ahmadinejad on his opinion about it.

Cooper did more reporting on Ahmadinejad the following day, and did do a better job, though the teleprompter, absent during the interview, must be given some of the credit. A good learning experience in all. Unfortunately, Cooper himself was doing a lot of the learning.

( Louisville Paper Gets Disc With 232 Photos of Nude National Guard Women)

Sorry, no pictures in that article. This reminds me of the US controversy over gays in the military, though. As a heterosexual male, I think I would be far more distracted from my combat duties by spending day after day with physically fit, sweaty women in close quarters than by the fear that the gay guy in the shower stall next to me might make a pass. But maybe that's just me. You wonder what's the JSDA policy, if any, is on that one.

Back to the news itself; these things happen, because war is hell.

("The Daily Show" Host Jumps on the I-Report Bandwagon. (September 28))

Or so CNN claims. Actually, John Stewart is making fun of the idea of having amateurs send in video reports that CNN could subsequently air. Amid the laughter, John Stewart subtly reminds us that people are going to put themselves in danger to gain footage. You can bet The Daily Show (as well as the rest of media) will be all over CNN the first time somebody suffers serious physical damage. In the meantime, what do we call this phenomenon of an award-winning news channel reporting on an award-winning news program reporting on the news channel?

You know a show is hot when you snag Pervez Musharraf before Larry King does.

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Trivia from the LDP Presidential Debate: Did We Have Our Own Arsenio Moment?

(Sidebar to this GlobalTalk entry.)

The three LDP presidential candidates, Shinzo Abe, Teiichi Tanigaki, and Taro Aso showed up together for what has become the obligatory show-and-tell for Japanese political leaders on Koichiro Tawara’s Sunday Project. (Imagine C-Span run by Geraldo.) The show began with Mr. Tawara holding a panel that described each candidate in one word. The candidates were each given a smaller panel and felt pen and asked to write his own one word that would better describe himself. They dutifully complied, then, at Mr. Tawara’s bidding displayed them for the TV camera. This exercise was repeated for another question, and then the session proceeded to the regular grilling by Mr. Tawara, mostly of Mr. Abe on the history issue.

This particular quiz format is a staple of Japanese TV variety programs in general, as well as dedicated quiz programs, which, like similar US TV broadcasts, often features grade B celebrities.

Prime Minister Koizumi stretched the limits of politics as theater. Is the next generation heralding the political entertainment era?




Friday, September 15, 2006

I Hear You, Paul - “So a Fifty-Five-Year-Old Walks into a Bookstore…” Redux

This is my response to Paul J. Scalise"’s comment on a previous thread. Since I’m not confident that there are enough readers of this blog to sustain a dialogue on any particular thread, I am posting this independently. Besides, this should be barely long enough to qualify as my self-imposed quota of one thread a day.


Your comment in turn reminded me of people I met in the US while I was working there between 2001-2004. These were now middle-aged men, who'd become involved in Japan as academics or missionaries, got swept up in the 1980s rush to the Japanese market and became businessmen, bankers and consultants, and never looked back. Many who stayed in the academia also found the way to fame and fortune in their chosen calling.

Some of these people remain in the Japan business, but many have gone on to transfer their business skills to a broader market. There is life after Japan.

Likewise the subsequent generation of academics and analysts spawned in the Japan boom (often aided by the influx of education and research money from Japan). With fewer opportunities to directly transfer their Japanese language and cultural skill to the business sector, they have chosen to broaden their repertoire and re-brand themselves as East Asia experts or otherwise.

Some of this scenario is being replayed in China, but I have a hunch that much of the plot is unfolding very differently, and will continue to do so for two reasons. First, there is a huge Chinese diaspora that diminishes the comparative advantage of the non-ethnic-Chinese adept.

Second, the huge flow of Japan money that flowed into US universities and think tanks is not, to my knowledge, being matched by similar largess from China, public or private. And a smaller bubble means that there will be less of a pop when it bursts.


Incidentally, I think that the level of interest in the Middle East (and therefore Middle East languages) is much lower here in Japan. And one rapidly growing genre published in Japan of which you will find very few examples of English translations is our search for national identity.

It may not surprise you to learn that the traditionalist (in the modernist sense, as I explain in my commentary on Mr. Abe) wing of nationalism do exceptionally well on the best-selling book charts. There are notable exceptions from the leftish pacifist school that used to dominate the first quarter century of social commentary in post war Japan, and there is plenty of centrist thinking backed by careful scholarship that informs the mainstream. But the traditionalist ascendancy prevails on the shelves of the bookstores, so much so that the first time I began to look at Japanese language bookshelves in a long time, I thought I’d chanced on a store whose owner had strong rightist leanings. I soon found out that this bookstore, like most others, was just following market trends.

これは、Paul J. Scalise"氏がa別のスレッド previous threadで行なったコメントに対する回答です。このブログに一つのスレッドをずっと続けるだけの数の読者がまだいらっしゃらないと思うので、これを新たな書き込みとして建てることにしました。それに、なんとか、自分に課した「一日一書き込み」に街灯Sル位の長さもあると思いましたので。








私が(安倍晋三に関する解説で説明したような意味で近代的な) 伝統主義者達の著作が売れ行き好調なのは、君も知っての通りだ。戦後日本の最初の四半世紀において社会評論を支配した左気味の平和主義をベースにした強力な例外はあり、また、確かな学問的考証を土台にした中道的な考え方がたっぷりと国民の主流にしっかりと浸透しているのも、事実だ。しかし、本屋の書棚では、伝統主義者達の台頭が目立っており、長い間お目にかかっていなかった日本語書籍の書棚を覗いたときは、右翼の書店主がいるところに迷い込んだのかと思ったくらいだ。まもなく、私は、そのコノ本屋も、その競争相手のほとんどがそうしているように、市場トレンドを追っかけているだけなのだとういうことを理解した。

Thursday, September 14, 2006

So a Fifty-Five-Year-Old Walks into a Bookstore, No, a Library… Oh Hell

English 50, Chinese 6, Korean 3, French 3, German 2, Spanish 1 1/2, Italian 1, Russian 2/3, Portuguese 2/3…

To make a short story even shorter, these were the numbers of shelves dedicated to instruction books in the respective languages in a bookstore near the Shinbashi JR station I went into in order to kill some time yesterday (Sept.13). Three more shelves were dedicated to "others". Shinbashi has gone slightly upscale in recent years, but it's mostly offices (but no significant corporate headquarters), as well as plenty of good, inexpensive restaurants and bars and other businesses that cater to the people working there. And there are no schools to speak of in sight. The late afternoon/early evening clientele in the bookstore also reflected this demographic.

The reason for the overwhelming popularity of English is pretty obvious. The only surprise to me is the enduring popularity of German. I might also have been surprised at the strong showing of Italian if I hadn't been aware of the tourism angle. In fact, I suspect the entire genre reflected much more than pure self-improvement.

Not that there's anything wrong with that. And the strong interest in Chinese and Korean is encouraging. Likewise with the powerhouses among the "others", Thai and Indonesian, weighing in with half a shelf each. Twenty years ago, how many of us Japanese would have even cared about learning an Asian language?

Somewhat disappointing, if not surprising, is that Arabic only merited about 4 inches, or 1/8 of a shelf. Not exactly favored as a tourist destination by the average office lady, Arabic as the common language of the Middle East deserves serious consideration as a third language after English, given the importance of the Arab oil economy and the lack of competition.

There were three other shelves carrying Japanese instruction books, all for English language speakers. I didn't see a single gaijin customer while I was in there, but I wasn't going to go around asking questions just for the sake of this blog.


Actually, I have even more time on my hands, so I dropped by the Hibiya Library to see if they'd acquired any more Elmore Leonard novels in the last five years. (Yes. One.) If you're not accustomed to frequenting libraries during the weekday, you'll be surprised at the large number of middle-, late-middle-aged men getting into self-improvement.

Kidding. These are guys with nowhere to go, nothing to do, at least when it’s raining all day and the missus can no longer stand the sight of you sitting around in the house, watching TV. Or so I guessed. I certainly wasn't going to try to satisfy my there-but-for-the-grace-of-the-gods-go-I curiosity and risk being punched out, just for the sake of a few more extra lines on this blog.

Actually, I don't think they would have had the energy to take a swipe at me. But these are clean-shaven, obviously literate guys, with years and years of experience. Surely they could hold down a part-time desk job if someone reached out to them.

You think there's going to be a labor shortage? Well, there’s gold mine there for the kind of business that can give these guys a sense of self-worth, in addition to the extra cash. Give them time-off to do NGO, NPO volunteer work at corporate expense, whatever. And if they don’t want that extra money to take that trip to Shanghai, they could go straight to the NGO/NPOs, meet nice, mature women in the process, who knows?

Politicians ought to take notice of this growing constituency too, potential grassroots volunteers who will also bring their own votes with them. It can’t be all just public pensions and healthcare. We need a sense of community, and the nation state is too distant for the important things in our lives. If Prime Minister Abe doesn't think of something for this neck of the woods in civil society between the safety net and the nation state, somebody will.

英50、中国6、ハングル3、仏3、独2、西1 1/2、伊1、露2/3、葡2/3…












Monday, September 11, 2006

Is the BBC Slipping? Or Just Business as Usual?

A couple of articles on the BBC website have got my goat. Nothing personal, I don't know these people, but I do know the BBC. And I didn't like what I saw.

Japan succession debate to go on

It's a fairly long piece, and shows Chris Hogg understands the underlying political dynamics between the devoted traditionalists who are a core element of LDP support and the lukewarm but increasingly prevalent supporters of a female Empress. Yet he misses the point that Mr. Abe will, if anything, abandon Mr. Koizumi’s plans. Mr. Abe is a traditionalist, and he has no intention of “tak[ing] on the forces of conservatism” in the first place. In fact, I suspect he will be quite willing to accept an Empress, but under traditionalist terms. This omission and misunderstanding occurs because Mr. Hogg misses completely the other, more crucial divide between the supporters of patrilineal and matrilineal succession, respectively. That's surprising, given BBC's reputation. But then, BBC standards may be slipping. See the next article:

The Japanese Jesus trail

For those of you who can't be bothered to read the whole story, the lead paragraph goes like this:

"A Japanese legend claims that Jesus escaped Jerusalem and made his way to Aomori in Japan where he became a rice farmer. Christians say the story is nonsense. However, a monument there known as the Grave of Christ attracts curious visitors from all over the world."

And the article ends on this note:

"Yet many Christians have discovered that the Japanese view of religion can be rather baffling - as the grave of Christ the rice farmer reveals."

What is disappointing is that Duncan Bartlett has taken a fascinating phenomenon, tied it into the treatment of Christian motifs that devoted Christians would find as blasphemous as, say, the White Man's crass commercialization of Christmas, and wraps it up in shallow bemusement. If he’d bothered to consult serious scholars, he could have put it in the context of the Shinto tradition, where everything and everybody is a potential object of worship as kami, or god, from the head of a sardine to the most heinous of traitors. Or explained it in the context of the Kishhu Ryuritan, the long-standing tradition of local legends featuring religious and political personages of note from the centers of civilization exiled to the hinterlands, and their variations. (One legend says Minamoto no Yoshitsune, a 12th Century noble samurai hero fled Japan to become Ghengis Khan.) Instead, it becomes yet another run-of-the-mill feature in the longstanding media tradition of securing bylines with “gee, aren’t those people funny” stories.

Speaking of "gee, aren't these people funny" stories, do you think BBC would do one on Christianity in the US? It seems to me you can do and say anything short of advocating incest and murder and remain respectable by calling it Christianity. Just in case they fail to figure out a good closer, I'll write it for them:

"Many Christians have discovered that the American view of Christianity can be rather baffling - as the [say, that snake handling cult, to mention one of the more benign offshoots] reveals."

Friday, September 08, 2006

Wading in Deep Waters

Let’s try a thought experiment.

Assume there is a small, though not insignificant, minority of people living in your country. They look, walk, and talk, just like you do. After all, they were born there. The only difference is, after two, three, four generations in Japan, they continue to pledge allegiance to other sovereign states. The relationship with one of these states and yours is especially problematic, to put it mildly. They persistently refuse to take up citizenship in their place of birth and permanent residence, yet many of them demand the right to vote in local elections, and some demand the right to equal treatment in the right to hold public sector jobs. How would you feel? And if that is a difficult question to answer honestly, try imagining how your average fellow citizen would feel?

I do realize that Japan is a difficult society for foreigners. I will accept the claim that some, and possibly much, of the social discrimination that was prevalent when I was a child remains. And yes, I will accept that for a long time it was painful and humiliating to subject oneself to the powerful pressure (now discontinued) from naturalization authorities to officially adopt “Japanese” names. And yes, I am aware that there are many people here who hide behind the Internet cloak of anonymity to spill toxic waste all over Japanese Cyberspace. And no, I will not accept claims that the enormous popularity of their homeland movie stars and TV programs in Japan is proof that discrimination is a dead issue here.

But I wish I could say to the people who did not think my thought experiment worth doing and never got this far in this post: At least here in Japan, there a lot of people actually taking up your cause and siding with you on behalf of your argument. Could someone do the same, back home, whatever that means, in your sovereign state of choice? I for one do not see how a dialogue is possible with people who refuse to ask such questions of themselves.

And yes, I am aware that the fact that so many do not seek Japanese citizenship could be an indictment of Japanese society in itself. So let’s talk. And what did you say your name was?






IHT Interviews Suspected Spammer, SS Ends Up with New (Temporary) Blog

The following Q&A is part of an email exchange with IHT's Patrick Smith, which grew out of another email exchange inititated by a mutual friend (acquaintance?). I have lightly edited the answers, written on the night of the birth of the new future heir to the Three Sacred Implements, for grammatical accuracy and parallel construction "intern" for "Lewinsky"). I thought this as good as any for giving my views on matters concerning the Imperial Household as they relate to the event. I’ve also translated my own comments into Japanese, and in doing so have added some words that will enable them to be read as stand alone comments. I'd be happy to give this issue further thought on this blog.

I would like to think my comments were reflected in Mr. Smith's analysis. Unfortunately, the online link ends mid-sentence, at "realit", which is not even a word (sidebar: 206-2007, Winter Semester: "Realit vs.Fakelit: Artifice in Creative Writing" Fall, 2 Credits). I guess I'll have to buy the hard copy to se if I got my name into print.


"Speaking broadly, as a matter of bedrock knowledge, I should be sure I understand just where the imperial family stands for most Japanese—still very important? Less than before? Less solemn, meaning this is more a celebrity magazine sort of event than it might have been before? I have Japanese friend who say they've avoided this whole matter rather the way one might avoid the latest Walt Disney movie."

I think a substantial majority is supportive in the same way American Jews are supportive of Judaism. That is to say, the Imperial Household has different meanings for different people, including their supporters. The celebrity magazine factor has been there since 1958, when we celebrated the wedding of the current Emperor and Empress. It is the celebrity magazines that have changed. (Think: Kennedy/gang moll vs. Clinton/intern.) The Imperial Household figures certainly less prominently in Japanese these days than in 1958; there are more distractions. (Think: CBS/NBC/ABC vs. cable, satellite, and Internet.)

As for Disney movies, no, I don't watch Disney movies anymore, either. But I'm not trying to make a statement out of it. I don't trust people who avoid Disney movies any more than people who pretend to enjoy Raymond Carver. In any case, Disney movies are hugely popular, more popular, say, than the run-on-the-mill indie hit.



"Is there a sense of relief in this: At last a piece of joyful news from the imperial household--after 60-odd years of Showa, then the matter of Masako, etc. --finally something to rejoice? Also, there is something forward-looking built into a birth, something untarnished by the past. Is this a factor--a psychological tendency here?"

There have been a lot of things to rejoice over in the Imperial Household, the marriages, the births; all in the Heisei Era, if I remember correctly. But, beyond the obvious joy, there is an obvious sense of relief over this; after all, a lot of people think we’ve been able to avoid a divisive and, for those whose lives could be indelibly altered, distressing debate over the succession till the mid-century. I disagree, of course, as you know from the occasion. Something untarnished by the past? You said it, not me. I have a hard time thinking in terms of symbolism.


"Do you think that, post-Showa, the imperial household is receding in importance. We had Meiji, Taisho, Showa--all rather high-profile. Post-Taisho, has a century of prominence ended and the imperial family is, speaking figuratively, again receding to Kyoto?"

The Taisho Emperor was not high-profile at all. But of course the Imperial Household is receding in importance. So you're making a good point here. If you look at the last 1,000 years, the highly politicized Meiji and Showa Emperors are much more of an exception. It is interesting, personally, that you mention Kyoto. I had always felt the Emperor should return annually, perhaps to take up residence during January-June. I don’t think Kyoto deserves it as much anymore. A roving Imperial Household would also be fine with me. Again, I am thinking literally; not, like you, metaphorically.


"What about Japanese women? What is the significance of this for them? Not long ago, the nation seemed to favor a change on the succession law to allow female succession. Now it seems to be sighing a sigh of relief. Am I right about this?"

Japanese women? The nation? The short answer is, I don’t know Ms. Japanese Women, or Mr./Ms. The Nation. I don’t think it’s life-changing moment for most of them, if that’s your question. Who are these two people? If you happen to meet either one of these people, let me know. I’ll introduce you to the Snark, as well as my friend the Leprechaun. Having said that, of course most people here are relieved that a difficult question has been resolved. But I told you that already.


"I note that just today the government announced that it would shelve the succession law. What is your thought on this?"

If they did, I think it's the right decision, if it really is a decision. (Pretty obvious, isn't it?) But we’ll have to face up to it sooner rather than later. It's not fair to the people concerned. You cannot walk up to a guy selling insurance and tell him the new law says you're the fifth in line for the Emperorship. Only happens in Disney movies.


"Is this some sort of setback for Japanese women in this respect? (My editors far away ask this question.)"

Your editors should be fired. Of course not, it's totally irrelevant. Japanese women have changed, and will continue to change. But the goings-on in the Imperial Household have had little to do with this.


"Can you relate the position of women in Japanese society to this situation? Are the doings of the imperial family any kind of model for behavior in the sociological sense--do Japanese women draw lessons from this?"

No, I don’t think so, and how should I know. I do expect a slight up-tick in the birthrate next year, but it takes two to tango.


"My own thought is that this is a measure of the growing distance between the imperial family and ordinary Japanese--the family being rather in a world of its own. Do you agree?"

Yes, the Imperial Household is in a world of its own. But the borders, if anything, have become more permeable. Think of Princess of Kiko as a working woman (it is a full-time job, in the family business, if you will) who has another child, late in her reproductive life. I don't think it is that atypical for a woman marrying in to a family business here. Ask around. An American, in a similar situation, would, of course, shack up with a younger woman and get a divorce.


"Where are we with Japanese women in the economy and politics? Is the trend not the other way--they are becoming more engaged in work (again) and more evident politically?"

More, yes, but still less so than elsewhere. It is a mystery to me. I do not have a clue.


"What is your sense of how Masako is doing? What about the couple to whom this child is born?"

I don’t know them well enough to make a good guess.


"Is there an aspect of this I have not noted that you think bears mentioning?"

I'm sure they are. But I can't think of any right now, except a few things I can only speculate about. And you're the one being paid to ask questions. Would you pay a fee for question I thought up and you used? I thought so.

Good night, and good luck.

